The approval process is based on distribution lists, containing the standard approvers and managed by a approval responsible.
The responsible, as its name says, is reponsible for the processes affecting drawings.
Here is a typical approval process workflow :
The responsible selects some drawings that should, according to him, be approved.
He starts the process for them, indicating a deadline.
Everybody on the distribution list gets an automatic mail requesting them to send comments on the "started" drawings.
These standard approvers connect to CDD and enter their comments.
Note: a personnal list is displayed for each approver, indicating the drawings that should be commented.
When he decides, according to the received comments, the responsible stops the process by accepting or rejecting the drawings.
Note: nothing is automatic: the responsible is responsible.
He can stop the process before or after the deadline he set.
He can decide to accept or reject a drawing whatever the received comments are.
Standard Approver
You received a mail asking you to enter some comments on some drawings.
Here are the steps to follow.
A list is displayed; you find in it the drawings mentioned in the mail.
Drawings that await your comments are flagged with a red cross ()
Drawings that have already been commented by you are flagged with a green tick ()
Click on the drawing number of the drawing you want to comment: you obtain the comment page.
Select an action from "Accept", "Reject" or "Ignore" by checking one of the 3 check-boxes.
Enter your comments in the text-area (comments are mandatory if you reject the drawing).
Then click on
Save + List to save your comments and get back to the list
Note: the list is then updated, the drawing you just commented goes to the "already commented" part of the list.
Save + Next Drawing to save your comments and get the comment page for the next drawing in the list.
Your comments are then saved and become readable by anyone.
Available informtation from the comment page:
If you have a
HPGL viewer, you can visualize the drawing by clicking on the "visualize" link.
If you are at CERN, you can send the drawing to a plotter by clicking on the "plot to ..." link.
You can read the drawing's information by clicking on the "drawing information" link (there you can read the current comments already received for the drawing).
You can read the list of approvers who received the same mail by clicking on the "current approvers" link.
Approval Responsible
As an approval responsible, you can perform various actions:
Give comments on a drawing.
Follow the steps explained in "Standard Approver" in this page.
Start the approval process for a drawing or a folder of drawings.
Enter the exact drawing number of the drawing for which you want to start the approval process or select one folder.
Indicate the deadline (you can check one, two or three weeks or set up a specific date).
You can enter some comments in order to explain why the process is started.
Click on :
"Start Approval Process" to start the approval process for the drawing or the folder.
"Directly Approve" to approve the drawing without sending any mail to the distribution list.
Note: in this case, the process is started then immediately terminated. You take the reponsibility of approving the drawing without any comments from anyone.
Terminate the approval process for a drawing or a folder of drawings.
A list of drawings or folders that are currently under approval is displayed.
Select the drawing or folder you want to terminate: you get the comment page.
You can read the received comments on the drawing (given by the people of the distribution list) by clicking on "Drawing Information".
Select an action from "Accept" or "Reject" by checking one of the 2 check-boxes.
Enter your comments explaining your decision.
Click on "Terminate Approval Process".
Your comments are then saved and the approval process is terminated.
No one can enter a comment on this drawing anymore.
Get a report of the received comments on the current approval processes.
Just click on the "Report" link.
Manage your distribution list (list of approvers).
Click on "Add an existing user" link to add a user to your list.
Click on the pointing hand () to remove a user from the list.